Hansel: Caroline Schnitzer
Gretel: Anne Petzsch
Dewman, the Dew Fairy: Leevke Hambach
Mother und Sandman: Josephin Queck
Father: Frederik Tucker
Title List
Engelbert Humperdinck (1854–1921)
Suite from the opera Hansel and Gretel (1891–1892)
Arr. Siegmund Goldhammer
01 Overture
1. Act
02 Suse, dear Suse
03 Little brother, come dance with me
04 Ral-La-La-La, Ral-La-La-La
05 Do tell me, what's this broom
2. Act
06 Introduction - Ride of the witch
07 A little man stands in the forest
08 Sandman
09 Evening prayer
10 Mime
3. Act
11 Introduction – Gingerbread house
12 The Dew Fairy
13 Come to a stop!
14 "Knusper" - Waltz
15 Released for all time!
16 Finale – Yeah, there are all people!